Microsoft Certified Trainer



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We want you to join the group, Microsoft Certified Trainer Network!

Who we are:

The MCTN Group on LinkedIn is a group of Microsoft Certified Trainers (MCT) from around the world and serves as a place for networking, job searching, research collaboration and other strategic initiatives in this very transient industry.  This web page represents us!  We are a networking group that can be found on LinkedIn and we invite you to join us for free!  That's right, there are no costs involved whatsoever.  Welcome to MCTN!

About the Information Technology (IT) Industry
A clear advantage of working in the IT industry is the high availability of jobs.  Even during times of high unemployment in the job market, IT manages to thrive.  But without good networking and business connections, you may still have difficulties during those periods from time to time when changing jobs.  Let MCTN facilitate fast job placement!  If you have a job, establish your connections now by becoming involved in the MCTN community now.  If you are currently seeking a job, come see what MCTN can do for you.  And if you're looking for MCT staff for your initiative, what better place to find able personnel!

  - Join MCTN on LinkedIn now!
  - Also on Facebook!  Join now!

Join us in BOTH of our homes to get the latest MCT news and updates! 

If you're already an MCT or just interested in the topic, I invite you to join our community and wear our logo proudly on your LinkedIn page!  Please select the button above!

-Founder, Rob Richards, MCT



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'Microsoft Certified Trainer' and 'MCT' are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.